So kids let me tell you a little story...
Today I was looking at some reviews I wrote and I came upon one which had a reply from someone with the screename "psycho_" talking some shit, and I quote:
" what are you, 12?
god, whine whine whine whine WHINE...someone hates their dad.
fucking annoying ass brat, do you even know what chauvinistic means?
god, little teenage bitches like you piss me off. you have nothing better to do than sit on your computer and go into this fantasy place where you know everything and your dad doesn't fuck you in the ass and your mom doesn't beat you, QUIT YOUR GOD DAMNED WHINING AND GET A FUCKIG LIFE."
That was the real message right there (check for yourself if you want). Like the title says, oh what a bittersweet irony this is. He says "someone hates his dad". This is infact a reality for him, very much so. Then he says "you have nothing better to do than sit on your computer and go into this fantasy place where you know everything and your dad doesn't fuck you in the ass and your mom doesn't beat you". I think this person needs some therapy seeing as it is very likely that if the above is true about him hating his dad, accusing his reality on me, that in fact his dad fucked him in the ass when he was a teenager, and he was at some time frequently beaten by his mother, other realities he also accused on me.
"Oh wah wah wah, my daddy's dick used to go in my arse and now i'm mad at him. I'm going to make a flash about beating him up, cause I'm a little fuck that got raped in the asshole, and had my mother beat up on me, because I'm a little bitch."
What a sad, twisted, pathetic individual you are.
Fuck you.
Fuck you just like your dad used to, you pathetic mess of a human.
Oh yeah, and this flash sucks complete asshole by the way, fucker.